Childbirth Class Registration

Birth and Beyond Childbirth Class

Birth and Beyond

Four hours of education designed for pregnant women in their last trimester. Discuss labor, newborn care and breastfeeding with a registered nurse and tour the NRMC Maternity Care Center (if available). You will also receive a book to keep and a bag full of information, coupons and samples.

The class is offered at just $15, but this fee may be waived if it is cost-prohibitive. Your labor support person is also welcome to attend at no extra cost. The class is located at Nevada Regional Medical Center, 800 S. Ash Street., Nevada, MO 64772 on the second floor, just above the main entrance.

To register for an upcoming childbirth class please complete the form on this page, or call 417-448-3801.

   **Registration will NOT be accepted later than 72 hours prior to a class date listed below.

couple smiling while looking at computer screen
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